The Green Witch Berlin

The first CSC in Germany creating a safe space for FLINTA and queer people

Equality, inclusion, respect, safety, and support for all members are values that guide the club’s choices.

It is particularly important that the club becomes a safe space for
FLINTAs, German acronym that stands for Frauen (Women), Lesben, Intersex, Non-Binary, Trans, Agender individuals. Allies are welcome.

Love and dedication for humans, but also for plants.

Our cultivation will be completely organic with organic fertilization, benefiting from the consultation of a renowned international Master Grower.

We will offer a wide selection of strains from the best European and American breeder cuts, with various pricing options suitable for everyone.

On February 23rd, the German parliament finally gave the green light to the legalization of cannabis for recreational use, promoted by the coalition government led by the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz

The Bundestag approved the text, which will come into effect on April 1st, with 407 votes in favor and 226 against.

The German Social Clubs – Cannabis Social Clubs are registered non-profit associations

The purpose of the marijuana cultivation associations is the cultivation and community distribution of cannabis and hashish for personal use.

Cultivation associations may also distribute cannabis plant seeds and cuttings for personal use.

The Cannabis Social Clubs/cannabis cultivation associations are managed by a board of directors according to the principles of association law. Within the cultivation association, no other legal forms are permitted.

In each cultivation association/cannabis club, a prevention officer must be appointed who must provide proof of adequate training in addiction prevention.

Associations can only supply cannabis/marijuana to their members.

To establish a cultivation association – Cannabis Social Club, official approval through an application to the competent state authority is required.

How will the CSCs (Cannabis Social Clubs) work from July 1st?

  • Only club members can exchange/accept cannabis.
  • Cannabis is exclusively distributed for personal consumption.
  • The personal presence of both the member exchanging and the member accepting is mandatory; association members must be present both in the cultivation area and in the cultivation association building.
  • Strict identity checks, presenting membership cards along with official photo identification.
  • A maximum of 25 grams of cannabis per day per member.
  • A maximum of 50 grams of cannabis per month per member


For individuals aged between 18 and 21, the quantity delivered is a maximum of 30 grams of cannabis and cannot exceed a THC content of 10%. The Green Witch does not accept any member under 21 years old.

Distribution is allowed only in the pure form of marijuana (dried flowers and leaves close to the cannabis plant flowers) or hashish (resin secreted by the plant).

The packaging of delivered cannabis must be neutral.

Key Requirements for CSCs

Persons responsible for cultivation have the necessary reliability to handle cannabis, cannabis seeds, and cannabis cuttings.

Within the cultivation association, cannabis, cannabis seeds, and cannabis cuttings are adequately protected against access by children, young people, and unauthorized persons.

The cultivation association ensures compliance with the requirements set by the CanG law and regulations issued based on the CanG law.

Prevention policies

In each cultivation association/cannabis club, a prevention officer must be appointed who must provide proof of adequate training in addiction prevention.

Extract from § 23 CanG (Cannabis Act) paragraph 4:

“… the prevention officer must demonstrate to the growing association specific counseling and knowledge in prevention through training courses on addiction prevention at state offices or specialized addiction prevention institutions or similarly qualified institutions. Proof of counseling and prevention knowledge is provided by a certificate of participation in one of the training courses mentioned in sentence 5 …”